Book Review - The Beatles in 100 Objects



The Beatles in 100 Objects tells their story through 100 pieces of memorabilia through the items they used, created and inspired.

EMI insider Brian Southall was 15 years old in 1962 and in the 1970's ended up working at Abbey Road Studios. He met all the Beatles except frustratingly John Lennon who sent his instructions by phone calls, telegrams and postcards.

This is my kind of book, 100 Chapters in 254 pages covering rare posters, programmes, tickets, signed items and much more.

I'm into Beatles programmes, tickets, signed items and memorabilia from their days in Hamburg so there's plenty in the book to enjoy.

Items of interest in the book include:- The programme & ticket from when the Beatles supported Little Richard at the Empire Theatre, Liverpool from the 28th October 1962. 
The following items originated from Germany: 

The Kaiserkeller poster when the Beatles performed a residency at the club along with Rory Storm and the Hurricanes

A payslip from the Top Ten Club detailing the amount paid to the five Beatles and Tony Sheridan.

The story behind the Beatles first record My Bonnie

John Lennon's German work visa used when the Beatles  returned to Hamburg to perform at the newly opened Star Club.

A menu from the Star Club signed by the Beatles including new drummer Ringo Starr.
There's much more to enjoy in the Beatles in 100 Objects and this entertaining book first published in 2013 can be bought quite cheaply....


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